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Pension Advisers

Experts in explaining, recommending and monitoring pensions for you, so you can enjoy your retirement when the time comes.

Expert Pension Advisers

Working with a pensions adviser should be seen as part of your broader wealth management strategy, with the ultimate goal of providing a strong, steady income in retirement.

As a pension adviser, Assured Private Wealth are familiar with the recent regulatory changes together with government plans going forward. While the principle behind a personal/company pension is simple, saving for the future in the most tax-efficient manner, there are many tools we can use to enhance returns.
Talk to us about your pension options
Expert Pension Advice

Retirement Planning

A pension adviser can help you start retirement planning as early as possible although strategies and goals will change over the years. While your pension assets will be central to your retirement planning, you also need to consider your wider income and asset base. Some of the specific issues to consider include:-
Planned retirement date
Investment profile
Lifetime allowance
Tax benefits
Target pension fund value
Assured Private Wealth pension advisers have a deep-seated understanding of the markets and the ability to adapt your retirement plan in relation to your circumstances to help achieve the results you want when you retire.
Start planning your retirement
Combine your pensions

Combine Your Pensions

On average, a man will have 12.5 jobs in their lifetime and a woman 12.1 different employment positions. Many may also go on to be self-employed or operate their own companies, which can make pension planning a little tricky. It’s important to consider combining any relatively small pension funds you may have into one fund.

There are several benefits when looking to combine your pensions, which include:-
More easily manageable under one umbrella
Greater transparency on performance
Potential cost savings on fees
We can provide specific pensions advice and the sit down face-to-face, look at your broader financial picture, consider your changing attitude to risk as you approach retirement and take the relevant action.

Find Your Lost Pensions

As a consequence of failing to update paperwork, companies going out of business and/or changing names, it is relatively easy to lose track of one or more pension plans. Thankfully, the government backed Pension Tracing Service allows you to find contact information for missing pension funds.

As pension advice specialists, we can assist you in locating and reclaiming lost pension funds and maximising your long-term income. It is also important to keep track of any State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (SERPs) assets in order to include this in your retirement calculations. Formal retirement planning, lost pension funds and tracking your SERPs are relatively simple in principle but can be complicated in practice.
Talk to us about your pension options

Pension FAQs

What services does a pensions adviser at Assured Private Wealth provide?

A pensions adviser at Assured Private Wealth offers a comprehensive range of services aimed at helping clients effectively plan for their retirement. These services encompass several key areas:

Pension Planning:
Advisers assist clients in understanding and selecting the most suitable pension schemes available, whether it be personal pensions, workplace pensions, or self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs). They evaluate the client's current financial situation and retirement goals to recommend the best course of action.

Pension Transfers:
For those considering transferring their pensions, advisers provide detailed analysis and advice. This includes assessing the benefits and potential drawbacks of moving from one pension scheme to another, ensuring the transfer aligns with the client’s long-term financial strategy.

Retirement Income Planning:
Advisers at Assured Private Wealth specialise in creating strategies to maximise retirement income. They explore various options such as annuities, drawdown plans, and lump-sum withdrawals, helping clients understand how to balance income needs with tax efficiency.

Investment Advice:
Pension investments are crucial for growth, and advisers guide clients on how to invest their pension funds. This involves recommending appropriate investment portfolios based on the client's risk tolerance, investment horizon, and retirement objectives.

Tax Efficiency:
Understanding the tax implications of different pension choices is vital. Advisers provide insights into how to optimise tax reliefs, allowances, and avoid potential tax penalties, ensuring the client retains as much of their pension pot as possible.

Regular Reviews:
To keep pension plans on track, advisers offer regular reviews. These reviews assess the performance of pension investments, adjust strategies as needed, and ensure that the client’s retirement planning remains aligned with their evolving circumstances and goals.

Legislative Updates:
Keeping clients informed about changes in pension legislation is another critical service. Advisers ensure that clients are aware of any regulatory changes that could impact their pension plans, providing peace of mind and ensuring compliance.

By offering these tailored services, a pensions adviser at Assured Private Wealth helps clients secure a financially stable and comfortable retirement.

Why should I consult a pensions adviser?

Consulting a pensions adviser is a prudent step towards ensuring a secure and comfortable retirement. Here are several compelling reasons why seeking professional pension advice is beneficial:

Expertise and Knowledge:
Pensions advisers are well-versed in the complexities of pension schemes and retirement planning. Their expertise ensures that you receive informed and accurate advice tailored to your unique financial situation and retirement goals.

Personalised Planning:
A pensions adviser provides bespoke solutions that align with your specific needs and aspirations. They take into account your current financial status, future objectives, and risk tolerance to create a personalised pension plan that maximises your retirement benefits.

Navigating Complexities:
The world of pensions is often intricate, with numerous options and regulations to consider. Advisers help navigate these complexities, ensuring you understand the implications of different pension schemes and making informed decisions that suit your circumstances.

Maximising Benefits:
Advisers are skilled at identifying opportunities to enhance your pension savings. They offer strategies to optimise tax relief, utilise employer contributions effectively, and select investment options that aim to grow your pension pot while managing risk.

Retirement Income Planning:
Ensuring a stable and sufficient income during retirement is crucial. Pensions advisers help design strategies for drawing income from your pension, balancing immediate needs with long-term sustainability. This includes exploring options like annuities, drawdown plans, and lump-sum withdrawals.

Regular Reviews and Adjustments:
A pensions adviser conducts regular reviews of your pension plan to ensure it remains on track with your goals. They adjust strategies as needed to adapt to changes in your financial situation, market conditions, or legislative updates, ensuring your retirement plan remains effective and relevant.

Peace of Mind:
Engaging a pensions adviser provides reassurance that your retirement planning is in capable hands. Their professional guidance helps mitigate risks and uncertainties, giving you confidence in your financial future.

By consulting a pensions adviser, you gain access to specialised knowledge and personalised strategies that enhance your retirement planning, ensuring a financially secure and enjoyable retirement.

How can a pensions adviser help with my retirement planning?

A pensions adviser can significantly enhance your retirement planning by providing expert guidance and personalised strategies to secure your financial future. Here’s how a pensions adviser can assist you:

Comprehensive Assessment:
A pensions adviser begins with a thorough evaluation of your current financial situation, retirement goals, and risk tolerance. This assessment forms the foundation for a tailored retirement plan that aligns with your unique needs and aspirations.

Choosing the Right Pension Scheme:
With numerous pension schemes available, selecting the right one can be challenging. Advisers help you navigate options such as workplace pensions, personal pensions, and self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs), ensuring you choose a scheme that maximises your retirement benefits.

Investment Strategies:
Advisers offer expert advice on how to invest your pension funds to achieve optimal growth. They recommend investment portfolios that match your risk appetite and investment horizon, aiming to enhance your pension pot while managing potential risks.

Tax Efficiency:
Understanding the tax implications of your pension choices is crucial. Advisers provide strategies to optimise tax relief, utilise allowances effectively, and avoid potential tax penalties, ensuring you retain more of your pension savings.

Retirement Income Planning:
Ensuring a stable income during retirement is a key concern. Pensions advisers help design income strategies that balance immediate needs with long-term sustainability. They explore options such as annuities, drawdown plans, and lump-sum withdrawals to provide a steady and reliable income stream.

Regular Reviews and Adjustments
: A pensions adviser conducts regular reviews of your retirement plan to ensure it remains aligned with your goals. They adjust strategies based on changes in your financial situation, market conditions, or legislative updates, ensuring your plan remains effective and relevant.

Risk Management:
Advisers help identify and mitigate potential risks that could impact your retirement savings. This includes diversifying investments, managing market volatility, and ensuring your plan is resilient to economic changes.

Peace of Mind:
Engaging a pensions adviser provides reassurance that your retirement planning is in capable hands. Their professional guidance helps mitigate uncertainties, giving you confidence in your financial future.

In summary, a pensions adviser offers invaluable support in crafting a robust retirement plan, ensuring you can enjoy a financially secure and fulfilling retirement.

How often should I meet with a pensions adviser?

Meeting with a pensions adviser regularly is essential to ensure your retirement planning remains on track and adapts to any changes in your financial situation or goals. Here’s a guide on how often you should meet with your pensions adviser:

Initial Consultation: The first meeting with a pensions adviser is crucial. During this session, you’ll discuss your financial goals, assess your current pension arrangements, and establish a comprehensive retirement plan. This foundational meeting sets the stage for all future interactions.

Annual Reviews: At a minimum, you should meet with your pensions adviser once a year. Annual reviews are vital to evaluate the performance of your pension investments, assess any changes in your financial circumstances, and make necessary adjustments to your retirement strategy. This regular check-up helps keep your plan aligned with your long-term goals.

Life Changes: Significant life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or a change in employment status warrant an additional meeting with your pensions adviser. These events can significantly impact your financial situation and retirement planning, requiring a reassessment of your strategy.

Market Changes: Major market shifts or economic changes may also necessitate an extra meeting. Your adviser can help you understand the implications of these changes on your pension investments and adjust your plan to mitigate risks or capitalise on new opportunities.

Pre-Retirement Planning: As you approach retirement, meeting with your adviser more frequently is advisable. In the final five to ten years before retirement, bi-annual or quarterly meetings can ensure that your plan is on track and that you’re adequately prepared for the transition. These sessions focus on fine-tuning your withdrawal strategies, tax planning, and securing a stable income stream for retirement.

Regulatory Changes: Pensions legislation can change, impacting your retirement planning. If there are significant regulatory updates, your adviser will likely recommend an additional meeting to review and adjust your plan accordingly.

Personal Preference: Ultimately, the frequency of meetings can be tailored to your comfort level and needs. Some clients prefer more frequent interactions to stay closely involved with their retirement planning, while others may feel comfortable with annual reviews unless there are significant changes.

In summary, while annual reviews are a standard practice, additional meetings may be necessary to address life changes, market shifts, and approaching retirement. Regular engagement with your pensions adviser ensures your retirement plan remains robust and responsive to any changes.

What qualifications does a pensions adviser at Assured Private Wealth have?

Pensions advisers at Assured Private Wealth possess a range of qualifications and professional credentials to ensure they provide expert and reliable advice. Here are the key qualifications and certifications typically held by these advisers:

Financial Planning Qualifications: Most pensions advisers at Assured Private Wealth hold formal qualifications in financial planning, such as the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning (DipPFS) from the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) or equivalent credentials. This diploma covers essential areas like financial protection, pensions, investments, and tax planning, providing a solid foundation for offering comprehensive financial advice.

Chartered Status: Many advisers achieve Chartered Financial Planner status, the pinnacle of professional financial planning qualifications in the UK. This designation demonstrates a high level of technical knowledge, professional ethics, and commitment to ongoing professional development.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP): Some advisers may also hold the Certified Financial Planner certification, a globally recognised mark of excellence in financial planning. This certification indicates proficiency in providing holistic and sophisticated financial advice, including complex pension planning.

Specialised Pension Qualifications: Advisers often pursue additional qualifications specifically related to pensions, such as the Advanced Diploma in Retirement Planning (ADRP) or the Certificate in Pension Transfer Advice (CPTA). These certifications ensure they have in-depth knowledge of pension regulations, pension transfer processes, and retirement income strategies.

Professional Memberships: Membership in professional bodies such as the Personal Finance Society (PFS) and the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is common among advisers at Assured Private Wealth. These memberships require adherence to strict codes of conduct and continuous professional development, ensuring advisers stay current with industry developments and best practices.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Advisers are committed to ongoing education and professional development. This involves regularly attending training sessions, workshops, and seminars to stay updated on changes in pension legislation, tax laws, and investment strategies. CPD ensures that advisers can provide the most up-to-date and effective advice to their clients.

Regulatory Compliance: Advisers at Assured Private Wealth are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This regulatory oversight ensures that they meet stringent standards of professionalism, ethics, and competence in delivering financial advice.

In summary, pensions advisers at Assured Private Wealth are highly qualified professionals with a robust mix of formal education, specialised certifications, professional memberships, and a commitment to ongoing development, all ensuring they provide expert and trustworthy advice tailored to clients’ needs.

How does a pensions adviser determine the best pension plan for me?

A pensions adviser determines the best pension plan for you through a comprehensive and personalised approach, ensuring that your retirement goals, financial situation, and risk tolerance are thoroughly considered. Here’s how they do it:

Initial Consultation: The process begins with an in-depth initial consultation where the adviser gathers detailed information about your current financial status, including income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and existing pension schemes. This foundational step helps the adviser understand your overall financial picture.

Understanding Your Goals: The adviser will discuss your retirement goals, such as the age you wish to retire, the lifestyle you aim to maintain, and any specific objectives you have, like travelling or starting a business. Understanding your goals is crucial for tailoring a pension plan that aligns with your aspirations.

Risk Tolerance Assessment: Assessing your risk tolerance is an essential part of the process. The adviser will evaluate your comfort level with investment risk and volatility, considering factors such as your investment experience, financial knowledge, and emotional response to market fluctuations. This assessment ensures that the recommended pension plan matches your risk profile.

Analysis of Existing Pensions: If you have existing pension schemes, the adviser will analyse their performance, fees, benefits, and suitability. This analysis helps identify if consolidating pensions or making adjustments to your current plans would be beneficial.

Research and Comparison: The adviser conducts thorough research and compares various pension plans available in the market. This includes evaluating the benefits, fees, investment options, and flexibility of different pension schemes, such as workplace pensions, personal pensions, and self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs).

Personalised Recommendations: Based on the gathered information and analysis, the adviser provides personalised recommendations. They will explain the pros and cons of each option, helping you understand how each plan aligns with your retirement goals and financial situation.

Implementation Strategy: Once you decide on a pension plan, the adviser assists with the implementation. This includes managing the paperwork, setting up the chosen pension scheme, and ensuring all contributions and investments are correctly allocated.

Ongoing Monitoring and Reviews: A good pension plan requires regular monitoring and adjustments. The adviser will schedule regular reviews to assess the performance of your pension investments, make necessary adjustments, and ensure your plan remains aligned with your evolving financial goals and market conditions.

Tax Efficiency: The adviser ensures that your pension strategy is tax-efficient, helping you maximise tax relief and benefits while minimising tax liabilities on contributions and withdrawals.

In conclusion, a pensions adviser determines the best pension plan for you through a personalised, thorough, and ongoing approach, ensuring that your retirement planning is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

What is the role of a pensions adviser in pension consolidation?

A pensions adviser plays a crucial role in the process of pension consolidation, ensuring that your retirement savings are managed efficiently and effectively. Here’s an overview of how a pensions adviser can assist in this process:

Assessment of Existing Pensions:
The first step in pension consolidation is a comprehensive review of all your existing pension schemes. A pensions adviser evaluates each scheme's performance, fees, and benefits, providing a clear understanding of your current pension landscape.

Suitability Analysis:
Not all pensions are suitable for consolidation. An adviser assesses whether consolidating your pensions is in your best interest, considering factors such as exit fees, loss of guaranteed benefits, and potential charges. This analysis ensures that any consolidation decision enhances your overall retirement strategy.

Identifying the Best Consolidation Options:
Based on your financial goals and circumstances, a pensions adviser identifies the most suitable pension scheme to consolidate your pensions into. This could be a personal pension, a self-invested personal pension (SIPP), or another scheme that offers better performance, lower fees, or more investment options.

Managing the Transfer Process:
Pension transfers can be complex and require meticulous management. A pensions adviser handles the administrative and regulatory aspects of transferring your pension funds, ensuring that the process is smooth, compliant, and timely.

Optimising Investment Strategy:
Post-consolidation, an adviser helps in optimising the investment strategy of the consolidated pension pot. They recommend investment portfolios tailored to your risk tolerance and retirement objectives, aiming to maximise growth and secure your financial future.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments:
Consolidation is not a one-time task. A pensions adviser provides ongoing monitoring of the consolidated pension, regularly reviewing its performance and making necessary adjustments to keep your retirement plan on track. This proactive management ensures that your pension remains aligned with your evolving financial goals and market conditions.

Tax Efficiency and Compliance:
Advisers ensure that the consolidation process is tax-efficient and complies with all relevant regulations. They provide strategies to minimise tax liabilities and maximise benefits, safeguarding your pension savings.

Peace of Mind: By managing the complexities of pension consolidation, a pensions adviser provides peace of mind, ensuring that your retirement savings are well-organised and working effectively towards your retirement goals.

In conclusion, a pensions adviser is indispensable in the pension consolidation process, offering expert guidance, strategic planning, and ongoing support to enhance your retirement savings and financial security.

Can a pensions adviser assist with early retirement planning?

Yes, a pensions adviser can significantly assist with early retirement planning, providing expert guidance and personalised strategies to help you achieve your goal of retiring early. Here’s how a pensions adviser can support you in this process:

Financial Assessment: A pensions adviser begins by conducting a thorough assessment of your current financial situation, including your income, expenses, assets, and existing pension schemes. This evaluation helps determine how feasible early retirement is based on your financial health.

Goal Setting: Advisers work with you to define your early retirement goals, including the age you wish to retire, the lifestyle you aspire to, and the income you will need to sustain that lifestyle. Clear goals provide a foundation for effective planning.

Pension Contributions: To retire early, increasing pension contributions is often necessary. A pensions adviser can help you identify ways to boost your pension savings, such as maximising employer contributions, utilising tax reliefs, and making additional voluntary contributions.

Investment Strategies: Advisers offer expert advice on investing your pension funds to achieve the growth needed for early retirement. They recommend investment portfolios that match your risk tolerance and investment horizon, aiming to maximise returns while managing risks.

Tax Efficiency: Understanding the tax implications of early retirement is crucial. A pensions adviser provides strategies to optimise tax efficiency, ensuring you make the most of available allowances and reliefs while minimising tax liabilities on your pension withdrawals.

Income Planning: Ensuring a sustainable income stream during early retirement requires careful planning. Advisers help design strategies for drawing income from your pension and other investments, balancing immediate needs with long-term sustainability. This might include phased withdrawals, annuities, or drawdown plans.

Legislative Compliance: Advisers keep you informed about relevant pension regulations and legislative changes that could impact your early retirement plans. This ensures your strategy remains compliant and effective.

Risk Management: Advisers help identify and mitigate potential risks that could derail your early retirement plans. This includes diversifying investments, managing market volatility, and planning for unforeseen expenses.

Regular Reviews: A pensions adviser provides ongoing reviews of your retirement plan, adjusting strategies as needed to stay on track with your early retirement goals. Regular monitoring ensures your plan remains aligned with your evolving financial situation and market conditions.

Peace of Mind: Engaging a pensions adviser provides reassurance that your early retirement planning is in capable hands. Their professional guidance helps mitigate uncertainties, giving you confidence in your financial future.

In conclusion, a pensions adviser is instrumental in helping you plan for early retirement, offering comprehensive support and tailored strategies to achieve your retirement aspirations.

What should I bring to a meeting with a pensions adviser?

When meeting with a pensions adviser, being well-prepared can make the session more productive and ensure you receive tailored and comprehensive advice. Here’s a list of items and information you should bring to your meeting:

Personal Identification: Bring valid identification, such as a passport or driver’s licence, to verify your identity. Some advisers may also require proof of address, such as a utility bill or bank statement.

Current Pension Information: Gather and bring statements from all your existing pension schemes, including workplace pensions, personal pensions, and any self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs). This should include details on contributions, current value, and any benefits or guarantees associated with these plans.

Income and Expenses: Provide a clear picture of your current financial situation by bringing details of your income and expenses. This includes payslips, tax returns, and a breakdown of monthly expenses. This information helps the adviser understand your cash flow and savings capacity.

Investment Information: If you have other investments or savings, bring statements and details of these accounts. This includes ISAs, stocks and shares, bonds, and other investment vehicles. Understanding your overall financial portfolio helps the adviser provide holistic advice.

Debts and Liabilities: Provide information on any outstanding debts, such as mortgages, loans, or credit card balances. Knowing your liabilities is essential for the adviser to assess your net worth and financial health.

Employment Details: Bring information about your current employment, including your employment contract, details of any workplace pension schemes, and employer contributions. This helps the adviser consider any benefits you may have through your job.

Retirement Goals: Think about and be prepared to discuss your retirement goals. Consider the age at which you’d like to retire, the lifestyle you wish to maintain, and any specific objectives you have, such as travel plans or purchasing a second home.

Tax Information: Bring recent tax returns and information on your tax status. Understanding your tax situation helps the adviser optimise tax efficiency in your pension planning.

Insurance Policies: If you have life insurance or other relevant policies, bring details of these as well. Insurance can play a significant role in retirement planning and financial security.

Questions and Concerns: Prepare a list of questions or concerns you have about your pensions and retirement planning. This ensures that all your queries are addressed during the meeting.

In conclusion, bringing comprehensive financial information and having a clear understanding of your retirement goals will help your pensions adviser provide the most effective and personalised advice. Being well-prepared ensures that the meeting is productive and sets a solid foundation for your retirement planning.

Is there a fee for consulting a pensions adviser at Assured Private Wealth?

Yes, there is typically a fee for consulting a pensions adviser at Assured Private Wealth. The fees can vary based on the complexity of the advice required, the specific services provided, and the adviser’s fee structure. Here’s an overview of what you might expect:

Initial Consultation: Many advisers offer an initial consultation either free of charge or at a nominal fee. This meeting allows you to discuss your retirement goals, financial situation, and the services you need. It also provides an opportunity to understand the adviser’s approach and fee structure.

Advisory Fees: For detailed advice and planning, advisers usually charge a fee. This could be a flat fee for specific services, such as creating a retirement plan, transferring a pension, or consolidating pension schemes. The fee structure will be clearly explained during the initial consultation.

Percentage-Based Fees: Some advisers may charge a percentage of the assets under management. This means you pay a fee based on the value of your pension pot and other investments that the adviser manages on your behalf. This fee is often calculated annually and can vary depending on the size of your portfolio.

Hourly Rates: Another common fee structure is charging by the hour. Advisers may bill for the time spent working on your retirement plan, including research, analysis, and meetings. Hourly rates can vary based on the adviser’s experience and qualifications.

Ongoing Service Fees: If you opt for ongoing financial advice and monitoring, there may be a regular fee for these services. This could be a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee, covering regular reviews, adjustments to your plan, and continuous support.

Transparency and Disclosure: Assured Private Wealth ensures that all fees are transparent and fully disclosed before any services are provided. During the initial consultation, the adviser will explain the fee structure in detail, including any potential additional costs, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the charges involved.

Value for Money: While there is a cost associated with professional advice, the value provided by a pensions adviser in optimising your retirement planning, maximising your pension benefits, and ensuring tax efficiency can outweigh the fees charged.

In summary, consulting a pensions adviser at Assured Private Wealth involves fees that are dependent on the services required and the adviser’s fee structure. These fees are transparently communicated, ensuring you understand the costs involved and the value provided in securing your financial future.
A smooth service from start to finish. Responsive to emails, in general helpful and they will take note of your preferences when giving advice on your investments. I would recommend getting in touch for a personal service on pension advice.
Alan P
Exceptional professional service throughout the organisation. Kept informed and up to date on what was going on with my policies, from the office team to David visiting me at home. I am confident and fully informed about what is happening. I would highly recommend them.
Andrew M

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